Waterproof laminate - How waterproof is it?

We at Home Decor have always tried to give enough information to our customers so that they can make the best choice for their flooring.

That's why we want to explain here exactly what waterproof laminate is.

The water resistance of laminated parquets is characterized by their ability not to pass water from the surface to the base of the floor. That is why you will notice that all waterproof laminates are marked with hours - 24h, 48h, 72h. These hours indicate how many hours the laminate will not pass water through the assembly to the base and also not lose its structure and integrity.

What is the test?

The test is quite easy and understandable. A small section is isolated on the sample assembly into which water is poured. Wait 24h, 48h, 72h and check the results:

24h - water does not penetrate until the 24th hour
48h - water does not penetrate until the 48th hour
72h - water does not penetrate until the 72nd hour

Who issues the certificate?

There are several associations that issue certificates, but undoubtedly the most popular in the sector, and with the highest reputation is NALFA - North American Laminate Flooring Association (North American Laminate Flooring Association).


As we always want to be 100% sure of the quality of our products, we decided to do our own tests. Here are pictures:

After 24 hours, we removed the water and disassembled the parquet. Here's what we found - water had not penetrated between the assembly and everything deep down was dry:

The results speak for themselves!

We sincerely hope that the information will be useful!

*Please note that the products are not suitable for areas where there is constant running water or a constant high level of humidity such as bathrooms and wet rooms.